Monthly Archives: July 2013

Reverse Atherosclerosis Using 3 Natural Ways to Clear Plaque From Your Arteries

As you age you simply must know how to reverse atherosclerosis using natural methods because if you are an average human you probably have plaque filled arteries by age 40, especially f you live in the U.S.A. The plaque you probably have in your arteries is called atherosclerosis. Since atherosclerosis is the most common form… Read More »

Coronary Bypass Surgery: Watch It Done Before Your Eyes

Once your heart disease has progressed to a point in severity where blood flow to your heart is greatly diminished you may find yourself in need of coronary bypass surgery. Coronary bypass surgery is certainly no picnic and nothing I personally wish to undergo and that’s why I do many things to make sure I… Read More »

CoQ10: Why Supplement With CoQ10

CoQ10 is present in every cell of your body. The highest concentrations are in your heart. It helps strengthen the walls of the heart which in turn helps your hearts ability to pump fresh oxygenated blood through your cardiovascular system. There are many reasons why supplementation may be beneficial, even necessary in your own personal… Read More »