Category Archives: Heart Disease

All about heart disease

Hardening Of The Arteries Is Called Arteriosclerosis

Hardening of the arteries is usually the result of aging, high blood pressure, diabetes, genetics and lifestyle. Our arteries, when young and healthy, are normally flexible, strong and elastic. But as years go by these same artery walls can become thick and stiff thereby restricting blood flow to organs and or surrounding tissues. This hardening of… Read More »

9 Foods That Lower Blood Pressure Naturally

Discover the Foods that Lower Blood Pressure Naturally and Begin Eating Your Way to Lower Blood Pressure … Foods that lower blood pressure naturally are easily found in your local grocery store and the reason these foods work so well to lower high blood pressure is because they contain large amounts of potassium.[1] The body… Read More »

High Risk For Heart Disease? 4 Steps To Take

High risk for heart disease? Are you at risk? Certain risk factors for coronary artery disease may place you in a high risk for heart disease category. This means one of two things: Either your risk of developing heart disease within the next few years is high, or you already have atherosclerotic heart disease and don’t know… Read More »

Cardio Juvenate Heart Health Supplement

Cardio Juvenate Cardio Health Formula: Nitric Oxide Supplement with 5000mg L-arginine, 1000mg L-citrulline, 1000mg L-carnitine, 2500IU Vitamin D3 per serving to Naturally Improve Heart Health Cardio Juvenate is a perfect blend of THREE powerful amino acids plus a complete supply of anti-aging and health supporting vitamins and minerals that are based on research that led… Read More »

HOW A Plant Based Diet Reverses Heart Disease

If you are reading this blog post about how a plant based diet reverses heart disease you are obviously concerned about your heart health but … Are you concerned enough about your heart health to take action? That is the million dollar question. Knowledge without action is essentially useless information. A Plant Based Diet Reverses… Read More »

Reversing Heart Disease With A Plant Based Diet

From the dawn of creation man was originally meant to eat a plant based diet. This is evident from God’s Word, the Bible. In the beginning God Said: “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours… Read More »