Coronary Bypass Surgery: Watch It Done Before Your Eyes

By | July 29, 2013
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coronary-bypass-surgeryOnce your heart disease has progressed to a point in severity where blood flow to your heart is greatly diminished you may find yourself in need of coronary bypass surgery. Coronary bypass surgery is certainly no picnic and nothing I personally wish to undergo and that’s why I do many things to make sure I don’t ever have to be a victim of a heart surgeon’s knife.

The sad thing is that coronary bypass surgery is NOT a cure nor does it reverse heart disease like certain other non-invasive, non-toxic alternative therapies that could be done BEFORE your heart disease becomes so severe that you have to subject yourself to being sliced and diced.

Coronary Bypass Surgery

Watch coronary bypass surgery done right before your eyes so that you can get an idea about what you may have to look forward to if you do not do something about your clogged arteries.

[youtube 7PpidBmoA4c]

Last year alone, doctors at  MedStar Union Memorial Hospital performed more than 880 open-heart surgeries and 6,100 catheter-based procedures, including nearly 2,000 angioplasties. MedStar Union Memorial performs a higher percentage (94 percent) of beating-heart bypass surgeries than any other hospital in the nation.

If you have been told you have coronary artery disease and wish to avoid angioplasty or worse, coronary bypass surgery, you may want to register for my free, no obligation eCourse called reversing atherosclerosis.