How to Lower LDL Cholesterol Levels

By | June 20, 2013
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Achieving lower LDL cholesterol levels most likely isn’t your only problem. If you have been told your level of LDL cholesterol is high and you are looking for information about how to lower LDL and vLDL (very low density lipoprotein) cholesterol levels this article may be of some help.

Eat Your Way To Lower LDL Cholesterol Levels

lower-vLDL-cholesterol-levelsAccording to mainstream medicine eating heart healthy foods low in cholesterol and saturated fat along with regular exercise are two keys to lowering bad cholesterol (LDL, vLDL), blood pressure and your risk of heart disease.

Unless you grow your own foods it is difficult to eat healthy. You can however choose heart healthy organic fruits, produce and other items when shopping to avoid all the bad chemicals used by corporate farming. Steer clear of GMO’s. Choosing to eat quality foods is a little more expensive but what is your health worth?

Exercise is extremely important and people underestimate the effect exercise can have on improving risk factors for heart disease. Very few people get enough exercise. And very few people are ABLE to eat healthy in today’s world of commercial farming and pre-packaged food.

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Convenience (pre-packaged) or fast foods (burgers,fries, and other junk) and our sedentary lifestyle are big factors that contribute to heart disease. Our ancestors probably had very low LDL cholesterol levels but they didn’t have fast food, high stress jobs and cars. Instead they raised their own food and exercised daily.

lower-LDL-cholesterol-levelsExercise Your Way to Lower Cholesterol Levels

A heart healthy food menu is important for good heart and cardiovascular health but exercise is also important. Exercise plays as big a role in lowering LDL cholesterol as does food. Exercise may even have a greater capacity to reduce LDL and vLDL levels.

People in the know used to recommend 30 minutes of exercise three to four days a week, but current recommendations are for one hour of exercise five days a week. The intensity of the exercise you do is a big factor and consistent, persistent effort is the key. In order to keep yourself motivated try to do something you like so you will stick to it. Make it convenient for yourself. Get yourself a “workout buddy” that will hold you accountable.

Sometimes healthier food choices, exercise, stress reduction and other lifestyle changes are just not enough to lower LDL cholesterol to a safe level. This usually happens with people who have a disorder called hyperlipidemia which can be due to either genetics or diabetes.  If you can’t lower your LDL cholesterol with lifestyle changes (diet and exercise) your doctor might prescribe drugs, especially if you have other risk factors. One thing to keep in mind however …

Those drugs will most likely be one of the “statins”. Statin drugs can cause serious side effects, including death and even if you are taking medicine, you’ll still NEED to continue to eat a heart healthy diet and exercise, to keep your LDL cholesterol at the recommended level. So with that in mind …

If it were me (my opinion only) I’d look for a safer way to lower LDL and vLDL cholesterol levels in combination with diet and exercise. There are good, safe alternatives available that are very effective at lowering LDL cholesterol levels.

The good news is that the damage to your arteries is reversible with proper knowledge and alternative treatment. Read more about lowering cholesterol.