Category Archives: Cholesterol

all about cholesterol

Heart Disease Risk: High Cholesterol and Heart Disease Risk

What is the real truth about high cholesterol and heart disease risk? Is cholesterol the enemy when it comes to heart disease or is the real enemy something or someone else altogether? With all the publicity concerning how important it is to lower cholesterol (if it is even a tad high) together with the big push… Read More »

HOW A Plant Based Diet Reverses Heart Disease

If you are reading this blog post about how a plant based diet reverses heart disease you are obviously concerned about your heart health but … Are you concerned enough about your heart health to take action? That is the million dollar question. Knowledge without action is essentially useless information. A Plant Based Diet Reverses… Read More »

HDL Cholesterol: 8 Ways to Increase Your HDL Cholesterol

HDL cholesterol, or “good” cholesterol, appears to scour the walls of blood vessels, cleaning out excess cholesterol. It then carries that excess cholesterol, which otherwise might have been used to make the “plaques” that cause coronary artery disease, back to the liver for processing. When doctors measure a person’s HDL cholesterol level, they could be… Read More »

Cholesterol: Does High Cholesterol Cause Heart Disease?

Cholesterol is a soft waxey substance that is found mixing with fats in the bloodstream and all of your body’s cells. It’s so important to bodily function that without it your body couldn’t form membranes, produce hormones or carry on a number of other necessary functions. In fact … Without cholesterol you and I would… Read More »