Category Archives: Blood Pressure

High blood pressure, low blood pressure, how to lower blood pressure and more

9 Foods That Lower Blood Pressure Naturally

Discover the Foods that Lower Blood Pressure Naturally and Begin Eating Your Way to Lower Blood Pressure … Foods that lower blood pressure naturally are easily found in your local grocery store and the reason these foods work so well to lower high blood pressure is because they contain large amounts of potassium.[1] The body… Read More »

HOW A Plant Based Diet Reverses Heart Disease

If you are reading this blog post about how a plant based diet reverses heart disease you are obviously concerned about your heart health but … Are you concerned enough about your heart health to take action? That is the million dollar question. Knowledge without action is essentially useless information. A Plant Based Diet Reverses… Read More »

Juicing For Heart Disease? The Heart Healthy Effects Of Juicing

Juicing for heart disease? Can juicing prevent or even reverse heart disease? Some very astute people swear that a plant based diet can and does prevent and reverse clogged arteries but be that as it may … Who wouldn’t be curious about studying a simple, easy and swift method of boosting their immune defense mechanisms,… Read More »

Ways To Naturally Lower Blood Pressure – 7 More Tips

In a previous post Lower Blood Pressure Naturally Using These Tips I mentioned 9 ways to naturally lower blood pressure without drugs. Since high blood pressure puts you at risk for clogged arteries (atherosclerosis) that cause heart attack, stroke, heart failure, kidney disease and of course death I thought I’d add a few more ways… Read More »

Lower Blood Pressure Naturally Using These Tips

You are searching for ways to lower blood pressure without drugs. You are scouring one health remedy page after another looking for good information that will help you learn how to lower blood pressure because … At your last doctor visit you heard: “Obviously our little chat about lifestyle changes didn’t motivate you. Your blood… Read More »